SINCE 2004

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    Reverse Classification Accuracy: Predicting Segmentation Performance in the Absence of Ground Truth


    When integrating computational tools such as automatic segmentation into clinical practice, it is of utmost importance to be able to assess the level of accuracy on new data, and in particular, to detect when an automatic method fails. However, this is difficult to achieve due to absence of ground truth. Segmentation accuracy on clinical data might be different from what is found through cross-validation because validation data is often used during incremental method development, which can lead to overfitting and unrealistic performance expectations. Before deployment, performance is quantified using different metrics, for which the predicted segmentation is compared to a reference segmentation, often obtained manually by an expert. But little is known about the real performance after deployment when a reference is unavailable. In this paper, we introduce the concept of reverse classification accuracy (RCA) as a framework for predicting the performance of a segmentation method on new data. In RCA we take the predicted segmentation from a new image to train a reverse classifier which is evaluated on a set of reference images with available ground truth. The hypothesis is that if the predicted segmentation is of good quality, then the reverse classifier will perform well on at least some of the reference images. We validate our approach on multi-organ segmentation with different classifiers and segmentation methods. Our results indicate that it is indeed possible to predict the quality of individual segmentations, in the absence of ground truth. Thus, RCA is ideal for integration into automatic processing pipelines in clinical routine and as part of large-scale image analysis studies.

    Existing System

    Image Segmentation Algorithm, Convolutional Neural Network (CNN).

    Proposed System

    The main contribution of this paper is the introduction of the concept of reverse classification accuracy (RCA) to assess the segmentation quality of an individual image in the absence of GT. RCA can be applied to evaluate the performance of any segmentation method on a per case basis. To this end, a classifier is trained using a single image with its predicted segmentation acting as pseudo GT. The resulting reverse classifier (or RCA classifier) is then evaluated on images from a reference database for which GT is available. It should be noted that the reference database can be (but does not have to be) the training database that has been used to train, cross-validate and fine-tune the original segmentation method. The assumption is that in machine learning approaches, such a database is usually already available, but it could also be specifically constructed for the purpose of RCA. Our hypothesis is that if the segmentation quality for a new image is high, then the RCA classifier trained on the predicted segmentation used as pseudo GT will perform well at least on some of the images in the reference database, and similarly, if the segmentation quality is poor, the classifier is likely to perform poorly on the reference images. For the segmentations obtained on the reference images through the RCA classifier, we can quantify the accuracy, e.g., using DSC, since reference GT is available. It is expected that the maximum DSC score over all reference images correlates well with the real DSC that one would get on the new image if GT were available. While the idea of RCA is similar to reverse validation and reverse testing, the important difference is that in our approach we train a reverse classifier on every single instance while the approaches in training single classifiers over the whole test set and its predictions jointly to find out what the best original predictor is. RCA has the advantage of allowing to predict the accuracy for each individual case, while at the same time aggregating over such accuracy predictions allows drawing conclusions for the overall performance of a particular segmentation method.
