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    Projects > COMPUTER > 2017 > NON IEEE > APPLICATION

    Bluetooth Based Network Admin


    A mobile phone is a device that can make and receive telephone calls over a radio link whilst moving around a wide geographic area. It does so by connecting to a cellular network provided by a mobile phone operator, allowing access to the public telephone network. In addition to this, modern mobile phones also support a wide variety of other services such as text messaging, MMS, email, Internet access, short-range wireless communications, infrared, Bluetooth, business applications, gaming and photography. Mobile phones that offer these and more general computing capabilities are referred to as smartphones. We have several options of connecting mobile phone to pc depending upon mobile phone features. Most of the phones are connected via infrared to your PC. However, connecting with infrared to your computer does have drawbacks like very slow speeds and limitations.

    Existing System

    The administrators are always worried about not being informed of the failure which takes place in network, or they are informed lately. Even if they are informed soon, it is not possible for them to reach the location to solve the problem. This mainly occurs because the network manager needs to go there or need an access to internet to fix the problem. This paper suggests a method for remote administration of computer network. Also network managers can send commands to the application software by Short Message Service (SMS) to let it issue commands for fixing the failure. By applying this approach, network managers can control and manage their network when they are far from the network location. In this approach administrator can send an SMS and get all the information what exactly is client doing.

    Proposed System

    This project is designed to make pc automation. The PC appliances are controlled automatically through the mobile phone with the help of Bluetooth .It can also implement this type of system in modern industries. In this Modern world everybody is using mobile phone and it becomes one of the essential devices. Embedding this remote accessing in a mobile phone may help the user in a various ways. In this fast growing technical world makes to do all the operations in a single hand held device. Controlling integrated system with wireless Bluetooth enabled mobile phone is a project focusing on wireless communication with special focus on Bluetooth. The basic idea is To create a remote control which can be controlled by a regular cell phone assuming it has Bluetooth capabilities. The focus is towards mobile communication with pc. Bluetooth is a method to communicate wirelessly. With mobile we can operate the pc like:- • Display power point slides, MS word, MS Excel, • Browse system files of the system • Shut down the system • Log off the system
