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    Projects > COMPUTER > 2020 > NON IEEE > APPLICATION

    Library Management System


    Library Management is an advanced management system which provides interface for both librarians and the readers with their own functionalities. A Library management system is a software that uses to maintain the record of the library. It contains work like the number of available books in the library, the number of books are issued or returning or renewing a book or late fine charge record, etc. Librarians can register readers to the library and issue book to them and readers can view their issued books and then access them. The project contains all the features of a library management like login/register, interactive UI, issue books, delete books, add books to the library and manage all the readers. It also has an admin panel through which all the registered users, readers, issued books and many more can be managed easily.

    Existing System

    In the existing system all processes are done in a manual way. In the existing system, the libraries are managed manually by a group of people. The methods are really difficult as compare to today’s digitized world, nowadays we can find anything on just one click, but while seeing at past methods they kept written records for each thing and that record goes on increasing as time pass. If the records got lost then there is no other for retrieving them back, so the loss is permanent. Book issuing, Book returning and bill making are done in a paper work based manual way. Maintaining all the information are very difficult because to take a particular information the librarian needs to search all the paper record.

    Proposed System

    In the proposed system all the process are done in a computerized way. Digitization of library helps to keep all the records secured and retrievable which saves the paperwork and made library records easy to store. This project not only helps to store the library records but it also provides access to the library management staffs and students to check the information related to the books like availability of books, issue and returning date information’s are accessed by both librarian and students so it will be transparent system. The admin has the overall control over the web application. The librarian will add the registered users in the web application. The librarian and readers will have a unique login credentials, using that they can access the web application. The librarian will issue and add the book in the website. The librarian can also delete the issued book details. The readers can search for the needed book and select the needed book. The librarian will issue the book to the reader, the reader can view their issued books and can access them. The admin will view all the activities done by the librarian and readers.


    Architecture Diagram