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    Projects > COMPUTER > 2020 > NON IEEE > APPLICATION

    Blood Bank Management System


    Blood Bank Management website is a simple project developed using Using Django Framework, HTML and CSS. The basic building aim is to provide blood donation service to the city recently. Blood Bank Management System (BBMS) is a Web-based application that is designed to store, process, retrieve and analyse information concerned with the administrative and inventory management within a blood bank. This project aims at maintaining all the information pertaining to blood donors, different blood groups available in each blood bank and help them manage in a better way. This project also has functionalities of registering blood donors and through which people needing blood can search and contact them after donors are registered. This website also provides features of admin panel through which admin can contact all donors list, all the blood banks that are required during donations. It also has contact page where all the contact details are available whenever there is blood emergency and it is unavailable in the website.

    Existing System

    The Blood Bank management system at exhibited a lot of ineffectiveness and inefficiency that had farfetched impact on the decisions taken by management. The system, which was manual that is based on paper cards to collect blood donor data, keep records of blood donors and disseminate results to Blood Donors, had weakness that needed IT based solutions. The system was characterized by delays and sometimes failure to access historical records; errors were witnessed in entry and manual analysis of results, secrecy and confidentiality of records lacked because unauthorized persons could easily access the records. Therefore, management decisions such as blood distribution to hospitals, mobilization/sensitization of blood donors were not taken basing on real facts. Under such a system, another challenge to management was quick generation of reports pertaining to blood groups for the big number blood donors in place. In the existing system the user needs to search for the needed blood group manually by going to various blood banks. This consumes more time.

    Proposed System

    In the proposed system, the blood bank management process is carried out in a computerized way. This system includes admin, donor and users. This web application play an important role in the process of collecting blood and managing blood stocks, approving blood requests, updating donations and updating available blood types. The proposed system (Blood Bank Management System) is designed to help the Blood Bank administrator to meet the demand of Blood by sending and/or serving the request for Blood as and when required. The proposed system gives the procedural approach of how to bridge the gap between Recipient, Donor, and Blood Banks. This Application will provide a common ground for all the three parties (i.e. Recipient, Donor, and Blood Banks) and will ensure the fulfilment of demand for Blood requested by Recipient and/or Blood Bank. The admin has the overall control over the web application. The donor will register their details such as personal details, blood type etc., in the web application. The user who is in need of blood needs to register their details. After login the user can search for the needed blood group. If available the user can view the donor details and can contact the donor for blood donation.


    Architecture Diagram