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    Projects > COMPUTER > 2017 > NON IEEE > APPLICATION

    Petrol Bunk Management System


    Helps to manage the petrol bunk operations. Helps manager to booking process, stock maintenance, cost setting, managing employee database and attendance details of the employee. Employee can do the sales operation and manage the purchase details of the customer. The stock will be reduced according to the sales Attendance entry system is maintained automatically and when an additional leave is taken, the salary will be reduced by accurate accounting.

    Existing System

    Existing system in the petrol bunk is being done by manually and has the usual problem associated with the manual systems. In all the petrol bunks the employee keeping the records in papers or documents. If the employee wants to search for an item and about the particular details it is a very tremendous job to analysis. And generating the reports of the petrol bunk has more difficult. As the work at petrol pump is done manually so it becomes hard for the supervisor to maintain a daily record.

    Proposed System

    Before the computer was developed all work was done manually. So in order to overcome this computer was developed. Now the whole world has developed due to automation. Means with the help of computer all work is done automatically. In industries also the work is done thru the help of computer only so there is no need of keeping more workers in industries. Because as the work is done automatically the world is progressing due to this. The project entitled as “Petrol bunk system” helps to manage the petrol bunk. The petrol bunk system helps the admin to booking the oil load. And manage load process in the petrol bunk and maintain the stock. In the petrol bunk system there are two main modules. The modules are admin and employee. The admin or the employee only can login the petrol bunk system. The admin has sub modules for setting the cost, booking of load, stock information, load management, employee management and generating reports for the petrol bunk. The admin can set the cost of the product in the petrol bunk, add the employee to the petrol bunk, and manage the load and the stock details of the petrol bunk. Using the username, password the admin or employee can login to the main page. The booking of the load done by admin and the details are stored in the database. Using the booking id the admin can search the load bookings, at the time of load. The load successfully updated to the stock, the system automatically changed the booking status. The employee can access the sales of the petrol bunk. In the time of sales of the petrol, the employee stores the vehicle details. At the same time the stock will be reduced regarding the sales item. The total balance of the bunk also credited. The employee also generates the bill for the customer with the necessary details. The admin can add the new employee with photo identity. Also manage the employee of the petrol bunk, like edit the details, delete the employee. And the admin can generate the reports for the sales and the stock of the petrol bunk. Employees attendance are managed in this system.
